The Light in My Life

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Sometimes we have to take a look at ourselves to see where we really are in life. Life takes many turns that we may not want but the fact is that we can’t stop life from happening to us. We are going to have good days and bad days. We are going to have days where we feel included and know people remember us and love us; and we are going to have those days where the loneliness slowly and sometimes quickly closes in. There are those days that we would rather cover our heads and hide from life. But life finds us one way or another!!

What I have come to understand about life is that I am not the center of anyone’s universe…I am more like a planet that is circling the center of the universe! When I thought about it, I started thinking about the fact that the “Son of God” is the center of my universe. Everything I believe and do helps to keep me in orbit around Him. He lives to show us the way; but we have to be willing to continue to walk in the light and to continue to progress to be more like Him. If we do, His Light will grow stronger and stronger around and within us.

Have you ever gone outside when there is a full moon and thought to yourself “what a beautiful light”. I have more than once. I love seeing the moon and the stars. Sometimes I just stand there in amazement as I look into the heavens and think to myself how lucky I am to be able to see those heavenly lights. In President Dieter F. Uchtdorf’s talk ” Bearers of Heavenly Light”, he says that “Night is nothing more than a shadow. Even in the darkest nights, the sun does not cease to radiate its light. It continues to shine as bright as ever. But half the earth is in darkness. The absence of light causes darkness… Darkness is not an indication that there is no light. Most often, it simply means we’re not in the right place to receive the light…In a very similar way, spiritual light continually shines upon all of God’s creation.”

Light can come in various forms so I try and make sure that I am looking towards the heaves and that I am seeking the true light given to man by the Son of God. The Heavenly Light from the Son of God is my guide home. He brightens my life and shows me the beauty of who I am. President Uchtdorf said that the Lord “…knows everything about you. He sees you clearly–He knows you as you really are. And He loves you — today and always.” All I really want is to be able to see myself the way that He sees me. What does He know about me and love about me that I am still struggling to know. How I wish I could see myself the way He sees me! My prayer each morning is that He will help me see myself the way that He sees me and that I can be a light to others that He loves. I’m working on knowing me better and loving me more. How grateful I am for my Father in Heaven and in His Son, Jesus Christ, who know who the real Celeste is!!

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