Since I started this blog, I promised myself that my blogs would be written in an upbeat, positive and loving way towards myself and towards others. I promised myself that I would be positive, I would truly try harder to be kind and to show more love! As I thought about this promise, I began to look at how my day starts that helps me make it a day of positive experiences.
My morning begins with the usual tasks of washing my face, brushing my teeth, putting my makeup on and doing my hair. And then my first positive experience takes place, my morning prayer with my Father in Heaven. I want Him to know that I am up and ready to leave the house; but that I will need Him every step of the way so that I can be that woman He knows I can be. My morning prayer gives me a sense of peace and love that nothing else and no one else can really give me. I look forward to the time that I can spend with my Father in Heaven. He is truly my strength and guides me through the difficult times and the happy times. The Lord is peace, love and comfort!
Almost every morning while I am driving to work, I have the greatest pleasure in seeing the beautiful masterpiece that the Lord has painted for me. The colors are just unbelievable. Dad told me once that the colors are due to the way the light is bouncing off the clouds and the horizon. Give me some clouds in the sky and that masterpiece cannot be touched. Some days, I just want to pull over and stare at the painting. The only thing about this masterpiece is that it leaves too quickly but I take a photo shot with my mind’s eye so that I can always remember them. The morning sky is calming and brings hope to the day!
In the morning, we cannot forget our dear friends, the birds. I remember singing when I was young a song that goes like this:
“In the leafy treetops the birds sing good morning
They’re first to see the sun. They must tell everyone.
In the leafy treetops the birds sing good morning.”
Children’s Songbook; page 240
The birds near my home are singing by 6:00 am and I think they take a break so that they can sing for me when I get home. I love hearing them. I have a number of Cardinals in my yard this year. I saw a saying that said if you see a cardinal that you have a loved one from heaven looking down on you. I like believing that statement is true. I don’t remember ever seeing as many cardinals as I am this year. My great niece, Jacquie Garfield, has a cardinal’s nest near her home and the eggs have hatched. What an amazing blessing it is to see them when they are little and as they leave the nest! Birds lift my spirit and they help my spirit to soar to greater heights!
It’s also important to remember the many reasons you have to smile; especially, as you remember special moments with family and friends. Smiling is a gift that we should share with others! Marjorie Pay Hinckley said once that she would rather smile anytime because frowning is too much work. Today let us kneel to have His guiding care, lift our eyes upward so that we can see the beauty of the morning sunrise, open our ears so that we can hear the birds singing to us; and most of all reach out to each other to help lift and brighten each other’s day. It’s worth it and I promise that I am going to be working on doing this from now on. Have a beautifully great day!!!
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