“Adam fell that men might be, and men are that they might have JOY.”

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Lately, I have been doing a lot of thinking about where I want this blog to go and what I can add to it that might help others or just give some personal insight into what a Celestial journey can be like.  One of my favorite scriptures is found in 2 Nephi 2:25 of the Book of Mormon.  It reads:  “Adam fell that men might be, and men are that they might have joy.”  I do believe that He wants us to have joy in this life.  To have joy in life is something that I have always wanted and never felt that I truly had.  However, as I have looked back on my life and into my daily activities, I realize that joy may not be a steady feeling to have but it comes in waves sometimes and it lifts us up when we are down.  I want to be joyful and to feel JOY more often.  How can I help that feeling of JOY to be in my heart?

Pray with Conviction

As I have been on my journey, I have learned that prayer is more than just getting on my knees and saying a short rehearsed prayer or even a prayer that stays mainly the same day after day.  My brother has shown me how to make prayer more interactive and more effective.  First I know that our Father in Heaven is a loving Father.  He loves us more than any earthly father can and wants to hear from us just like our earthly fathers do.  He wants to know about our days, our concerns and our needs; but we also need to let Him know that we love Him and are grateful to Him for everything He has given us and all that He does for us.  Since I have had my prayers more interactive (so to speak), my prayers have become more meaningful to me and I don’t have to pray…I WANT TO PRAY!  I want to talk to my Father in Heaven.  I want and need His guidance and help each and every day.  I need Him involved in my life in order to move forward and to attain my goals so that I can return to Him once this earth life is over for me and I move on into the eternities to be with Him and my eternal family.  PRAYER with conviction is vitally needed as you go on your Celestial journey.  Take time to learn how to make each prayer more meaningful so it is difficult to not get on your knees and start/end the day with prayer.  I love my prayer time because I feel JOY that the Lord promises us!!!

Looking and Listening for JOYFUL Moments

Do I look for the JOY that the Lord wants me to feel?  How does a little child act when they see a new flower or a puppy or a beautiful sunset or sunrise?  Do we allow ourselves to capture those special moments like little children do?  Or are we getting cynical and only looking at all of the problems that life throws our way or how things seem to be falling apart in our world?  Do we listen to conference and hear the words of our Prophet and the other great leaders who speak to us?  They tell us to have a joyful life and to look for joy and to feel joy.  As I read the scriptures at night, they express how the prophets in the Book of Mormon felt that JOY which exceeds all other joy.  How do we get there?  How do we get ourselves to look and listen for that sweet, special and intense joy that is offered to us?  I believe today more than ever that I, Celeste, need to be focused on the JOY that my Father in Heaven offers me from the smallest flower blooming (even a dandelion), or an ant as it is marching home with food on it’s back, to that sweet feeling of joy and peace as I enter the temple to witness an eternal sealing of a very special couple.  I need to realize that JOY can be in the very smallest things in life and sometimes in the very largest things that occur on my journey.  The Lord offers us also that exceeding joy that Alma and the sons of Mosiah felt if we will repent and seek to do His will.

I want that joy to be with me on my Celestial Journey.  So today and days to come, I am going to start keeping track of my JOYFUL moments in my journal.  Because you see, I think I am experiencing more joyful moments than I ever realize.  I want to see them and I want to hear them and most of all I want to FEEL them.  I want to live JOYFULLY!!  I believe we can; even when our world is tumbling around us, if we remember who loves us MOST of all and is there no matter what is happening.  Again, I have to say that HE is my guide and the reason that I live the way I do…my Father in Heaven!  Following HIM provides me with JOYFUL moments!

2 Responses

  1. Diane Whorton

    Celeste, when I joined the church in 1981 I had just started college at Kennesaw State and had so much reading to do I thought to add one more thing would surely hasten my death. But I did so want to read the Book of Mormon, so I started it. I got to your verse in 2 Nephi and felt the weight of all my problems lifted from my shoulders. I love that verse and repeat it in my mind daily. It keeps me going and helps me to daily remember why I am here on this earth, to have joy in my life. Thank you so much for reminding me again and for having this site. I will return often and hope that you will continue it. I enjoyed working with you at the Temple and appreciate the time that I got to know of you and your beautiful spirit.

    • Thank you Diane for your thoughts! I will be updating it often as I have more I want to share with others. Life is hard for many but there is so much hope and beauty out there. Faith, hope and charity are the three most important characteristics to have today in one’s life. I loved working in the Temple with you too!! I learned how to love there and miss the people that I grew to love so much!! Best wishes to you!!

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