Chocolate and America!!

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Chocolate and I have been having a love affair for years. However, I believe that Chocolate has not been faithful because I always hear about all of these other beautiful women who love Chocolate. It is true!! Chocolate is loved by more women than just me…I also believe there are a few men that love Chocolate too! I think that my next dog will be named Chocolate so whenever I need Chocolate I can just call and say “Chocolate I need you” and then of course my pup would come running and my craving would be over. NOT TRUE!! If you know anything about me, you know that if you give me Chocolate, you are then my friend for life. I have loved Chocolate since I was little, when I was a teenager, and when I was a young single adult and I still love Chocolate as an older single adult. Chocolate can come in different flavors, from different nations, in different forms (i.e., M&M’s, candy bars, brownies, LINDER truffles, Chocolate covered raisins), and it can be hot or cold. Chocolate just has to be that is all there is to it. And if anyone asks, any diet that you put me on had better let me have Chocolate. I love going to Relief Society in April because they give out Chocolate for anyone having a birthday. Chocolate you are calling my name!!!

So what does Chocolate and America have in common…I have also been having a love affair with America since I was little. America the Beautiful!! God Bless America!! God Bless the USA!! And Oh how I love our FLAG and our National Anthem!! I believe in America and I believe in her greatness. I believe in the God fearing people who came to the Americas to be able to have freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom to carry a gun, and all the other freedoms in our Constitution. I believe America is a blessed and a chosen land by God so that people could have these freedoms. Have you ever read a book on the miracles that occurred during the Revolutionary War? I am reading a book called “The Washington Hypothesis” by Timothy Ballard. I believe our Founding Fathers knew that they were here for a God given purpose and not just a bunch of men who decided that they didn’t want to be under British rule. The miracles during the Revolutionary War tell the story of a man and men that were meant to be fighting a war so that a Nation could be created that would believe in God and would live his laws. When we are listening and obeying God’s commandments, we have the strength of the Lord with us during any battle; but let this nation continue to fall away from Him, and our strength will be gone just like every society that has lived on this land. During this year, I have found myself questioning what is happening, what is going on. And then the answer to that question is very clearly given…the war that began before we were here is continuing and has never ended…the war between good and evil. Satan has always wanted to take away our liberties and he still continues to want that same goal so that we can be miserable like he is.

I love America and this great nation, the United States of America! I fear for her and for our freedoms. The title the United States of America says we are UNITED in wanting the same freedoms and promises that have been given to us from on high. Right now though, we are so divided and so willing to state our opinions that it doesn’t seem to matter that our words make people feel less than they are (such as; glad I wasn’t duped) or might make people feel like they are missing something because their views might not agree with those of our friends and our loved ones. I told my brother that I wished I knew what to do and he said one word, “PRAY”. So I thought pray for what and these thoughts came to my mind: Pray to the Almighty who gave us this promised land that He will lead me to the correct decision. Pray to Him that as a people we can become UNITED and willing to follow HIS counsel. Pray for this great land that the people living within its borders can become more obedient to that GOD who has allowed us the privilege to live here. Pray that we can love our Father in Heaven like He loves us and that we can love our brothers and sisters as ourselves…isn’t that the first and second great commandments. When we truly love each other and want the best for each other, then it seems to me that the hate and divisive actions that we are seeing will be done away with.

I love Chocolate; but I love the United States of America more and I worry that the country I love will not be here for the little ones if we don’t become more united and more loving towards each other and more obedient to the God that created us.

Well that is all I have to say; but I do love chocolate!!

2 Responses

  1. Well said my friend
    Love you ladybug

  2. Right on. We had a foreign exchange student from Switzerland move into our neighborhood years ago. When she arrived she told her host family that she would be respectful of the word of wisdom. She had no problem giving up coffee, alcohol, and she never did smoke. But she said she was really struggling with the thought of not eating chocolate while she was in the United States. Of course, she was very relieved to learn that chocolate was not included in the WofW and that she could eat it while she was here. Cudos to her that she was at least willing to try. I would have said, “no way”. I believe the way to save our country is by turning back to God. So many people have pushed Him aside and that is what made our country great to begin with and that is what will bring it back to us. So I will do my part in living a God-centered life and reaching out to others to do the same.

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